How to return JSON from an Erlang web service

January 4, 2017

In this HOWTO, we use Elli and JSX to return JSON from an Erlang web service.

A blackboard with math notation.
© 2016 Roman Mager for Unsplash

Tools used in this tutorial:

  1. Erlang/OTP 19
  2. Elli 1.0.5
  3. JSX 2.8.1
  4. GNU Make 3.81
  5. git 1.9.5

All of the code used in this blog can be found at

Step 1. Create a Makefile that retrieves the required dependencies.

Erlang lets you define a library directory on your system with the environmental variable ERL_LIBS. Typically you would set this to something like /usr/local/lib/erl but in this example we put a lib directory under the current working directory.

    all: ./lib/jsx-2.8.1/ebin ./lib/elli-1.0.5/ebin ./lib/elli-1.0.5/include
    #                           D E P E N D E N C I E S
    #  Check out Elli and JSX from github to $HOME/src, compile each and copy the
    #  ebin directories and the elli include directory under ./lib.
    	(cd ${HOME}/src; git clone
    	(cd ${HOME}/src/elli ; git checkout tags/v1.0.5 ; make)
    ./lib/elli-1.0.5/ebin: ${HOME}/src/elli/ebin
    	mkdir -p ./lib/elli-1.0.5
    	cp -r $< ./lib/elli-1.0.5
    ./lib/elli-1.0.5/include: ${HOME}/src/elli
    	mkdir -p ./lib/elli-1.0.5
    	cp -r ${HOME}/src/elli/include ./lib/elli-1.0.5
    	(cd ${HOME}/src; git clone
    	(cd ${HOME}/src/jsx ; git checkout tags/v2.8.1 ; rebar3 compile)
    ./lib/jsx-2.8.1/ebin: ${HOME}/src/jsx/_build/default/lib/jsx/ebin
    	mkdir -p ./lib/jsx-2.8.1
    	cp -r $< ./lib/jsx-2.8.1

Step 2. Create Elli handler.

This handler returns a JSON representation of event data for the resource /events. The event data JSX does not encode records, only proplists and maps. See the JSX README quickstart for more details. is passed in as a configuration argument, as described in the next section.

    -export([handle/2, handle_event/3]).
    handle(Req, Args) ->
        handle(Req#req.method, elli_request:path(Req), Req, Args).
    handle(’GET’, [<<"events">>], _Req, Args) ->
        Events = proplists:get_value(events, Args),
        {ok, [], jsx:encode(Events)};
    handle(_, _, _Req, _Args) -> {404, [], <<"Not Found">>}.
    handle_event(Event, Data, Args) ->
        io:format("Event=~p~n, Data=~p~n, Args=~p~n",
                  [Event, Data, Args]),

This handler also dumps each Elli event to stdout because it implements the handle_event method of the elli behavior.

Step 3. Use OTP supervisor behavior to start Elli on port 3000.

The MiddlewareConfig variable configures the json_handler to get the event data returned by the test_events() method. In a real application you would pass in the registered name of an ets store, or a database connection pool, or some other set of credentials to the data store.

    start_link() ->
        supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
    test_events() ->
        E1 = [{id, 1}, {name, <<"test1">>}],
        E2 = [{id, 2}, {name, <<"test2">>}],
        [E1, E2].
    init(_Args) ->
        Port = 3000,
        MiddlewareConfig = [{mods,
                             [{json_handler, [{events, test_events()}]}]}],
        ElliOpts = [{callback, elli_middleware},
                    {callback_args, MiddlewareConfig}, {port, Port}],
        ElliSpec = {json, {elli, start_link, [ElliOpts]},
                    permanent, 5000, worker, [elli]},
        io:format("starting server on port ~p~n", [Port]),
        {ok, {{one_for_one, 5, 10}, [ElliSpec]}}.

Step 4. Write the application behavior and resource file.

Implement the application behavior.

    -export([start/0, start/2, stop/1]).
    start(_Type, _Args) -> json_sup:start_link().
    start() -> application:start(json).
    stop(_State) -> ok.

Define the application resources.

    {application, json,
      [{description, "Produce JSON with Erlang"},
       {vsn, "1.0.0"},
       {modules, [json, json_sup, json_handler]},
       {registered, []},
       {applications, [kernel, stdlib]},
       {mod, {json,[]}}]}.

Step 5. Update Makefile and create a run script.

The run script starts the server from the command line.

    #! /bin/sh -e
    ERL_LIBS=./lib erl -noshell -s json

Update the Makefile to compile Erlang sources.

    all: json_handler.beam json_sup.beam json.beam
    #                           D E P E N D E N C I E S
    #  Check out Elli and JSX from github to $HOME/src, compile each and copy
    #  ebin directory under ./lib.
    	(cd ${HOME}/src; git clone
    	(cd ${HOME}/src/elli ; git checkout tags/v1.0.5 ; make)
    ./lib/elli-1.0.5/ebin: ${HOME}/src/elli/ebin
    	mkdir -p ./lib/elli-1.0.5
    	cp -r $< ./lib/elli-1.0.5
    ./lib/elli-1.0.5/include: ${HOME}/src/elli
    	mkdir -p ./lib/elli-1.0.5
    	cp -r ${HOME}/src/elli/include ./lib/elli-1.0.5
    	(cd ${HOME}/src; git clone
    	(cd ${HOME}/src/jsx ; git checkout tags/v2.8.1 ; rebar3 compile)
    ./lib/jsx-2.8.1/ebin: ${HOME}/src/jsx/_build/default/lib/jsx/ebin
    	mkdir -p ./lib/jsx-2.8.1
    	cp -r $< ./lib/jsx-2.8.1
    #                      C O M P I L E   A N D   C L E A N 
    %.beam: %.erl ./lib/elli-1.0.5/ebin ./lib/jsx-2.8.1/ebin ./lib/elli-1.0.5/include
    	ERL_LIBS=./lib erlc $<
    .PHONY: clean
    	rm -f *.beam
    	rm -rf ./lib

The Result.

Start the server.

    $ ./ 
    starting server on port 3000
    , Data=[]
    , Args=[{events,[[{id,1},{name,<<"test1">>}],[{id,2},{name,<<"test2">>}]]}]

Elli fires the elli_startup event and we are up and running.

Hit this with curl, and we get our events back in JSON.

    $ curl -D- localhost:3000/events
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Content-Length: 49

And Ellie fires two events while processing the request.

    , Data=[{req,’GET’,
    , Args=[{events,[[{id,1},{name,<<"test1">>}],[{id,2},{name,<<"test2">>}]]}]
    , Data=[]
    , Args=[{events,[[{id,1},{name,<<"test1">>}],[{id,2},{name,<<"test2">>}]]}]

Towards the end of the request_complete event, you can see the timings that were used to produce the Prometheus metrics in A Simple Erlang Application, with Prometheus.

Performance Note

In the blog entry Use protobufs - now, techion does a nice comparison of Jiffy versus JSX for encoding JSON. Jiffy uses a C nif, and is more than five-times as fast as JSX. JSX isn’t that shabby, encoding 4,000 100-element lists every second.

You can find a conversation about this blog entry where techion shared his blog entry on here on Reddit.

Change Log

Jan. 6, 2017

  • Move note about code being on github to top.
  • Add link to reddit conversation.
  • Add link to lolware.

Tags: erlang